Hey everybody! It's been a while since my last blog post so I am so sorry! I have a couple things to mention in this post and hopefully I'll keep doing posts a couple times a week.
I had a self tanner disaster the other day! It was bad! I used Victoria's Secret Bare Bronze Tanning Spray and oh my goodness did it come out bad! Surprisingly my knees look great! Nice and evenly tanned but as it goes below my knee there are just splotches of orange. :( Very shameful. I did everything I was supposed to, exfoliated, held 6 inches from my body, sprayed evenly, didn't put clothes on for 15 minutes and still a self tanner nightmare. Oh well, we shed thousands of dead skin cells every second so it should be off in a couple of days. Then I will be trying again with Jergens Natural Glow Self Tanner and I have heard good things about that so far. When I first post this it won't have the picture of my orange disaster of a leg but I'll add that in later tonight just so you can see how bad that self tanner works. I even had to wear long pants to work today and it is hot. Definitely summer dress time!!
Are any of you into acting? Acting has always been what I have wanted to do with my life and I actually went to a performing arts school for high school, best school ever, and I'm starting to really want to get back into it. I gave it up for awhile, I think it was a combination of feeling the pressure to go to college and the realization of how hard the business is to break into, but I always seem to come back to it. If any of you are interested in it let me know! I can always tell you guys some of the things I have tried to break into the acting world and what I am trying now if you guys are curious!
On my channel, http://www.youtube/user/EmbraceCouture, I just recently added a follow me around vlog and absolutely loved doing it!! It was a little under 3 minutes so it wasn't very long but I am thinking about trying to do another one soon and hopefully make it a bit longer. Follow Me Around Vlogs were always my favorite to watch so it was cool to be able to put one up. Check it out and show some love!
I missed about a week of no blogs and no videos just because I was feeling a little discouraged about some things and I just took the week to do whatever. However, when I was filming my follow me vlog, I was like, "why did you stop this for a week?! It's fun!?" And I am thinking the same thing as I type this up. I hope to not be gone long again except that I do go to the shore July 9th to the 16th and I have no internet there so maybe then but I guess I could write some and post them through my phone. I don't know, my phone is crap so we will have to see! Thanks for reading!!
xoxo, Christine
Dont worry I've had my fair share of bad self tanning experiences! Good luck on the next one! :)