
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Busy Life I've Been Leading!

So I haven't written a blog post in about a week and I apologize. Around the holidays things can get a little crazy. I wrapped almost all of my Christmas presents, registered for classes, cooked my first successful meal, and worked on some Embrace Couture designs. So let me start by saying I love wrapping presents. I think I had a giant smile on my face and it just kept getting bigger and bigger with every present I wrapped. I'm still waiting on a couple of things to come in but the majority is in and wrapped. The problem has just been storing it. My kitty Edithanne, the most beautiful cat ever, seen in my profile picture, like to chew on beautifully wrapped gifts and ribbon. I've had a hard time keeping things looking as nicely as they did when I first wrapped them. A small price to pay for not panicking that Christmas is less than 3 weeks away because I am done the crazy part. Now I can just sit back, enjoy my Mistletoe candle, and bask in the holiday season.
I also registered for classes, which to me is a huge downer. I'm not really a big school person. I always had an easy time in high school but I wasn't someone who had ever planned to go to college, I was more told I was going. So I tried out several schools and none of them really seemed to be working for me. I liked to work more than I liked to learn but I have decided to go back. I think I have a lot of things going on in my personal life that is making me grow up a little bit more and making me really start to think about my future and what I would like to accomplish. I'll be going part time since I work a full time job and still want to work on Embrace Couture. It shouldn't be too bad, I'm just a little nervous I'll be the same unfocused student I was in previous colleges. Big procrastinator here!
I also made a very successful meal for my boyfriend, my mom, and my sister last week which took up my whole Thursday night. I had to get the stuff to make it and then cook it. My sister was there to keep me calm because I tend to get overwhelmed in the kitchen because I don't completely know what I am doing in there. She did wash the dishes for me which is extremely helpful. I made a fiery fried chicken recipe, sweet potatoes, buffalo mac and cheese and a Caesar salad with bacon and the most delicious croutons ever. I'm pretty sure JJ can't complain that only he can cook now because I proved that when I put my mind to it I can make a very tasty meal. I also made dessert! Smores brownies! Wasn't too fond of them myself but everyone else seemed to like them.
Embrace Couture is coming along quite nicely and I hope to have my first shirt on sale some time in January! I'm so excited. I picked out the shirt, the design, the tag design, and where I'm getting it done. Be on the look out for my website to be posted here and make sure you check it out when it is!
Wow, all that was pretty random and not what I wanted to do this blog post on! I think I'll just post this one and then I'll write up the other one and post it. Two in one day! That should make up for my absence! Until about 30 minutes from now!

Much love,
Christine for Embrace Couture

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